Understands natural language

We've taught the search to "think".

Whether you search with or without diacritics or use different word forms, SEARCH READY can handle it. It can even work with synonyms and handle typos.

This ensures that users always find what they're looking for and don't leave your website disappointed.


What Search Ready can do

  • Conjugation and tense are not a problem.
  • You enter the search term without diacritics? No problem.
  • It doesn't matter if you use uppercase or lowercase letters.
  • It can handle typos.
  • It understands entered synonyms.

Benefits for you

  • Significantly higher likelihood of finding the most relevant result for the user, even if they didn't enter the optimal search term.
  • Reduction in the number of searches where the user receives no relevant results.
  • Higher rate of finding a relevant result = higher conversion rate.
  • In addition to SEO and UX, you can simplify the user's path to what they are looking for.

Want to try Search Ready?

Contact us, and we will get back to you as soon as possible. We will discuss your needs and determine if Search Ready is the right solution for you.

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